Pool Closing 101: Winterizing A Swimming Pool - Langley, BC - Langley, Surrey, Maple Ridge BC

Pool Closing 101: Winterizing A Swimming Pool
August 24/2023

A step-by-step guide to close your swimming pool

As the warm days of summer give way to the crisp and chilly embrace of winter, it's time to prepare your swimming pool for the off-season. Properly winterizing your pool ensures that it remains in excellent condition, ready for splashing fun when the temperatures rise once again. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of winterizing your swimming pool to safeguard its longevity and save you from potential headaches come spring.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies:
Before you begin, ensure you have all the necessary supplies. You'll need a pool cover, pool chemicals (shock treatment, algaecide, and winterizing chemicals), a pool brush, telescopic pole, skimmer net, a pool vacuum and appropriate winter plugs.

Step 2: Clean the Pool Thoroughly:
Start by removing any debris from the pool's surface using a skimmer net. Vacuum the pool to eliminate dirt and debris that may have sunk to the bottom. Brush the pool walls and floor to dislodge any remaining dirt and algae.

Step 3: Balance the Water Chemistry:
Test your pool water and adjust the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels to their optimal ranges. This step is crucial as it prevents scale buildup, corrosion, and ensures that the winterizing chemicals work effectively.

Step 4: Shock the Pool:
Before closing your pool, shock it with a strong dose of chlorine. This helps kill any lingering bacteria and prevents algae growth during the winter months.

Step 5: Add Algaecide and Winterizing Chemicals:
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to add an appropriate winterizing algaecide and other winterizing chemicals. These chemicals will help keep the water clear and prevent algae and bacteria from thriving in the dormant pool.

Step 6: Lower the Water Level:
Using your pool pump, lower the water level to below the skimmer and return lines. If you have a vinyl-lined pool, be cautious not to lower the water too much, as this can cause the liner to shrink. Check with your pool installer or manufacturer regarding any precautions relating to your type of swimming pool.

Step 7: Drain and Protect Equipment:
Drain all water from the pump, filter, heater, and any other pool equipment. Store drain plugs and other items in a dry, sheltered area to prevent freezing and damage.

Step 8: Blow Out the Plumbing:
Use a pool air compressor or a powerful shop vacuum to blow out water from the plumbing lines. Start with the skimmer lines and then move on to the return lines. This step prevents freezing and potential pipe damage. You can also use a non-toxic pool-grade antifreeze as an added level of protection against freezing. Use winter plugs to prevent water from entering the plumbing.

Step 9: Install the Winter Pool Cover:
Place the winter pool cover over the pool, ensuring it's secure and snug. There are various types of covers available, including mesh and solid covers. Choose the one that suits your needs and climate. If you use water bags to weigh down the cover, fill them 1/2 to 3/4 full to allow for ice to expand.

Step 10: Monitor Throughout Winter:
While your pool is hibernating for the winter, it's still important to occasionally check on it. Remove any debris that accumulates on the cover and ensure the water level doesn't drop too low. If you live in a region with heavy snowfall, periodically remove excess snow from the cover to prevent damage. Covering your pool for more than 3 months may require adding another shock treatment (be sure to pre-dissolve).

Winterizing your swimming pool might require some effort, but the benefits far outweigh the work involved. By following these steps, you'll safeguard your pool from potential damage, save money on repairs, and make the opening process in the spring much smoother. If you are uncomfortable with these steps you can contact your local pool professional to winterize your pool for you. Proper winterization ensures that your pool will be ready for you to enjoy once the warmer weather returns, providing a refreshing oasis for the whole family.

For more helpful pool tips follow #leisurescapes on social media or visit our store in Langley/Surrey, BC.