Fall Tips for Pool Owners: Keeping Your Oasis Pristine - Langley BC - Langley, Surrey, Maple Ridge BC

Fall Tips for Pool Owners: Keeping Your Oasis Pristine
September 08/2023

As the vibrant colors of summer transition into the warm hues of autumn, pool owners are faced with unique challenges in maintaining their swimming pools. Fall brings falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and less frequent use of pools. However, with a little extra care and attention, you can ensure that your pool remains inviting and sparkling throughout the season. In this blog, we'll provide you with essential fall tips for pool owners.

Skim Leaves Regularly
One of the most noticeable challenges of fall for pool owners is dealing with falling leaves. Falling leaves can quickly accumulate on the water's surface, leading to a messy and uninviting pool. To combat this, make it a habit to skim leaves off your pool regularly. Use a pool skimmer or leaf net to remove leaves and other debris from the water surface. Try using a skimmer sock to collect pine needles in your skimmer basket before they plug up your pump. Frequent skimming can prevent leaves from sinking to the pool's bottom and causing more significant maintenance issues.

Trim Overhanging Trees
If you have trees with branches that extend over your pool, consider trimming them before fall arrives. Trimming back these branches can help reduce the number of leaves that end up in your pool. It will also minimize the risk of larger branches or limbs falling into the water during storms, which could cause damage to your pool's structure or equipment.

Invest in a Pool Cover
A high-quality pool cover is a valuable investment for pool owners, especially during the fall. A pool cover acts as a barrier, preventing leaves, debris, and other foreign objects from entering the pool. Covering your pool when it's not in use can significantly reduce your maintenance efforts and keep the water clean and clear.

Adjust Chemical Levels
As the temperature drops, you should adjust your pool's chemical levels to ensure proper water balance. Test the water regularly and make necessary adjustments to the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels. Lower bather load means you can reduce the amount of chlorine you use. Maintaining the right chemical balance will help prevent algae growth and keep your pool water safe for swimming.

Store Unused Items
Take some time to gather pool floats, inflatables, and toys that are no longer being used. Rinsing them and placing them in a storage bin or garage will protect them from the elements and ensure that they can be used next season. The same applies for maintenance items like robotic cleaners, brushes, thermometers, vacuum heads or other items that are no longer needed.

Continue Filtration and Circulation
Even though you may not be swimming as frequently during the fall, it's essential to continue running your pool's filtration and circulation systems. Proper circulation helps distribute chemicals evenly throughout the water and prevents stagnation. Running your pool pump for a shorter duration than in the summer should suffice, but consult your pool professional for specific recommendations based on your pool's size and conditions.

Prepare for Winter
Fall is also the time to start thinking about winterizing your pool. If you live in an area with cold winters, you'll need to close your pool properly to protect it from freezing temperatures. This includes lowering the water level, cleaning and storing pool equipment, and adding winterizing chemicals. If you're unsure how to winterize your pool, consider hiring a professional to do it for you.

While fall may signal the end of the swimming season for many pool owners, it doesn't mean neglecting your pool's maintenance. By following these fall tips, you can keep your pool in great condition throughout the season and ensure it's ready for a hassle-free reopening next summer. Remember that proper care and attention in the fall will save you time and money on maintenance in the long run, making your pool ownership experience more enjoyable.

For more tips on pool maintenance follow #leisurescapes on social media. Or visit our Langley/Surrey store for advice and supplies.